Atlas Internationa (Asia) Co., Ltd.


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Privacy Policy

Atlas is fully committed to protecting the privacy interests of individuals who provide us with information about themselves and to complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong. In doing so, we instruct our staff to comply with strict internal standards of security and confidentiality.
The personally identifiable information (PI Information) which we collect at the web site comprises:
  • The IP address of the visitor's personal computer, the country from which the inquiry is made, the pages visited, the time at which a visit is made and the browser type.
  • Where a visitor chooses to send us personal information to be completed in a form on this website, the information collected will comprise identity, contact details and any other details the user may wish to furnish.
  • In the case of an existing client PI Information already in our posession may include identification details, contact details, information regarding the clients portfolio details and user passwords/electronically encrypted security codes for that client's access rights
PI Information submitted in any form on this website which Atlas receives may be used by Atlas and/or any of the Atlas's holding companies, subsidiaries or associated companies, within or outside Hong Kong, for direct marketing purposes and in connection with financial services only. Atlas may transfer or disclose that information to any of those other companies. PI Information which is collected in any form on the website may be be used for direct marketing (by means of mail drops or via the internet). Atlas will cease to use your PI Information for direct marketing purposes if you request us to do so.
Atlas's policy is generally to retain PI Information concerning its individual clients for a minimum period of six years after a person ceases to be a client and to erase or destroy it after the expiration of that period. PI Information concerning an individual which is collected at a time when that individual is not a client is erased or destroyed when that PI Information is no longer required for the purpose, including any directly related purpose, for which that information was used.
Atlas's policy is to restrict access to PI Information concerning individuals to employees and agents who have a need to use that information and who have been instructed to handle such information properly and observe confidentiality.
An individual or another person permitted under the Ordinance on his/her behalf has the right to be informed by Atlas whether it holds PI Information about that individual and to request access to and/or correction of any such PI Information. Any such request may be made to:

”Atlas International (Asia) Ltd.”

In order to deal with any such request, we will require reasonal evidence from you that you are the individual in respect of whom the request is made or a person permitted under the Ordinance to make the request on that individual's behalf. We will deal with any such request as soon as possible but in any event within the 40 day maximum period set by the Ordinance.




1. 個人情報の収集と利用
2. 個人情報の第三者への提供、委託
  1. 法令に基づく場合
  2. 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることが困難である場合
  3. 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、お客様の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼす恐れがある場合
  4. 収集・利用目的の達成に必要な範囲で、個人情報の取扱いを委託する場合
3. 個人の権利尊重
4. 安全性、正確性の確保
5. 法令・規範の遵守





1. お客様に関する個人情報
  1. セミナー・勉強会等のご案内、商品・サービスの情報や宣伝物等のご提供、商品・サービスのご提案またはご提供、サービス窓口のご紹介等
  2. より良い商品・サービス開発のための調査・分析のため
  3. サポートのご提供のため
  4. お客様との連絡、協力、交渉、契約の履行、履行請求等
2. セミナー・勉強会等に参加された方々に関する個人情報
  1. 法令に基づく場合
  2. 連絡、イベント関連情報または宣伝物のご提供
  3. セミナー・展示会等のイベントご案内、関連商品またはサービスのご案内、お取引先から委託を受けた調査、分析、宣伝、広告業務の遂行等
3. お客様等、第三者からの紹介により収集した個人情報(お客様以外)
  1. セミナー・展示会等のイベントご案内、商品・サービスの情報や宣伝物等のご提供、商品・サービスのご提案またはご提供、販売・サービス窓口のご紹介等
  2. より良い商品・サービス開発のための調査・分析のため





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